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The Future of The Repopulation

Due to issues with the games engine and it's company, Above & Beyond have taken the drastic step of porting their game over to the the unreal engine. The devs have posted the following on their website. We wissh them all the best in their endeavours and hopefully Windslow will be active in Fragmented in the not too near distant future.

" As many of you already know, it has been a rough past few months for The Repopulation team, culminating in the shutdown of alpha servers just before Christmas. The reasons for those situations have been covered in previous articles and posts, so we won’t delve much into that except to acknowledge that they have occurred and the game has been in a state of limbo over the past few months. You can find more information on those reasons here: Although we have had numerous discussions on possible solutions to these issues over the past few months, we did not find a good solution that would make absolutely sure we would never have this problem again. Given the circumstances we have decided it would be in the best interest of the game to port to Unreal Engine. This is not a decision that we have taken lightly. While many of our assets will convert over easily to Unreal Engine, the game’s code will need to be rewritten from scratch. We realize that this will set development back by a significant period of time, and apologize to our fan base for the issues. At this point though, we felt this was the best move for the future. We didn’t want Repopulation fans to be sitting and waiting idly though while we frantically try to get the game ported to Unreal Engine. Starting in February we will begin testing a spin off set in the Repopulation universe which we have titled: Fragmented. This product is a sci fi survival game which is similar to a more action oriented, and much trimmed down version of The Repopulation. This allowed us to not only reuse many of the same assets which we already had in place, but also makes up the reusable foundations of what will become the Unreal Engine based version of The Repopulation. We will be giving away this product for free to all owners of The Repopulation. We are happy to provide a quick teaser video of some early work on the title and look forward to providing more footage and screenshots soon."

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